so i'm temporarily banned from anything HLR related.
darn it.
i love doing HLR stuff. i love my work. It's some of the people i interface with that i hate. particularly the retarded ones.
bit of a background. i, together with my immediate superior, let's call him "ass" for assistant manager, no pun intended, i think... we're what we call a super team. we're the team that get things done. technically, our job covers anything and everything subscriber data related. equipment wise, we handle the HLRs. lately though, we've been handling additional projects of sorts for one or both reasons: 1. the designated team is... to put it bluntly, incompetent. and/or 2. the vp's power trippin'. anyway, we still accomplish quality work.
this week, our manager's attention was called due to stagnating roaming projects. so we had a meeting and lo and behold... vp: "i'm temporarily transferring jacq and emo guy to international services. they will report directly to manager. jacq will solely do international services planning work. emo guy will do the same but on top of his existing work. to help ass with the work, swimmer chic will assist. original roaming/international services team will continue to do engineering and implementation, but jacq and emo guy will do the planning. clear?" good thing emo guy's great to work with. he's not scatterbrained and he's pretty competent himself. downside? person from original roaming team, yaya (disclaimer: i'm not the one who called her this) is an asshole, and that's not only according to me.
so there. for the time being, i can't do anything under HLR. got reprimanded already thrice for issuing work orders. hehe. faced with a new challenge.
not 10 minutes into the new job, i got this email from yaya. she's basically ordering us (me & emo guy) to issue and have an access pass approved for the site survey. wow. 1. as i recall, "they will report directly to manager" was mentioned in the meeting. and 2. last time i checked, issuing the access pass was still engineering work. feeling boss much? anyways, we let it pass and i do the access pass as well as the site survey.
site survey was done with um... i'm running out of names here. lemme see... for the lack of imagination --tall guy. anyhoo, on the way to site, we shared insights. tall guy confirmed yaya being the epitome of an asshole. so that's all our department's girls, except one, plus 4 guys. all confirmed on actually hating her guts. sa lagay na yan, wala pa siyang 6 months sa office.
good luck
enough of the venting. i'm hungry. again.
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