geez! a day after chirstmas and my mom's back to her old nagging self. never contented and never pleased, she's always always always like this. it irritates me so. as though nagging is her answer to everything... to boredom and dare i say it...? --to lack of fulfillment in/with life.
my christmas was a bit boring, as usual, but otherwise awesome! haha, strange, yes, i know. i mean, nothing unusual ever happens to our family christmas. as with every year, everyone's asleep by the time the clock strikes midnight. i'm the only one up. the reason being the fact that i really love greeting that special someone right at that 12 o'clock moment. it's real nice to start an occasion with a sweet conversation. so, other than the usual boring-slash-sleeping-and-non-existent-bonding of the family on christmas eve, my 2 hour conversation with him was terrific. this year's christmas wasn't perfect, but soon, the following christmases will hopefully be.
what i found weird was the proposal-but-not-really-one 'round the wee hours of morning. can't really blame him, but still got a bit pissed. waking me up halfway through a dreamless sleep didn't help either. hay.
by the way, i should mention... spent christmas in fontana. dec. 24-26, 2009. had cutie gap with me.
got 3 days left in manila starting tomorrow, then off to hong kong i go. note to self: don't be a forgetful idiot again and bring the darn digicam charger. contemplating if gap gets to go with me.
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