so, instead, i'm blogging my irritation out. it's called venting. i do believe it's healthy every once in a while. hey, shit happens. i'm just still having a hard time understanding why it keeps happening to me. probably coz of the many unfortunate people in the world, i'm the lucky one (insert sarcasm here) who gets to live with two of the biggest assholes in the universe. good God, what have i done to deserve this?
ok, so it's a sunday, and i'm bored out of my skull trying to think of stuff to do. initially thought of putting together my long-time-planned-but-never-got-to-do-scrapbook. started friday. stopped and finally admitted i have no artistic talent whatsoever... wait, scratch that, make it i have no talent whatsoever. geez. ran out of photopaper, and motivation. it'd be a whole lot cooler if i was doing the scrapbooking with someone who shares the same want to have memories. oh well, rockwell.
hey, something good happened this start of the year, though. lookie what i got for the new year:
moving on, i'm pining for a shopping spree yet again. what?! new year, ergo new wardrobe and new stuff. yeah, i know, lame. ok, fine then. i'm not shopping for any selfish thing until my birthday. happy? now, to actually find the patience and restraint to do that...
hey, before that, i got valentine's day to look forward to. whoever said valentine's was only for couples was sadly mistaken. i'm single (but not available) and looking forward to it.
2010 shall rock!
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