unfortunately, this proved both that i had very little, if non-existent, patience, as well as that i don't have a valid excuse for it since i was not really wired that way coz i could have waited or persevered longer if i wanted to... did i make sense?
the purchase proved the following:
1. self control = 0 for shopping
2. patience = 0, but inexcusable since i was able to increase to round 50 when i wanted to
(i.e. it was nil when i wanted to jailbreak and not wait to ask for someone's help. boosted up when i decided to search the net to do it myself.)
3. i am awesome, lol, just happy i successfully installed stuff. pretty good for an apple product newbie
anyway, normally i wouldn't go through the process of learning stuff for apple products simply coz they're overpriced. considering though my ipod touch 4 is capable of wifi and caters to my muvi, music, and games needs... i gave in to dishing out 13,200.
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