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it was an amazing birthday week for me. yup, you read it right, birthday WEEK. ^_^ filled with meeting new friends and experiencing new things!sunday, tan and i headed to bulacan to attend his friend, vangie's son's baptismal. it was nice finally meeting them. they were all so sweet and real nice to me. i look forward to spending more occasions with them.
last year, promo fares were available around holy week. the flights were scheduled this year. my wonderful boyfriend had another friend book us to boracay on the week of my birthday, so on monday, off we went with eybi, rain, gio, and nel.
i know i've declared magalawa, zambales a slice of heaven last month.. but boracay takes the cake! if magalawa was an 8, boracay would be a 10! i haven't been away 24 hours and i've missed it so much already. sand on your feet everywhere, the sunsets, the cool breeze, the uber nice people... it was perfect!
my boyfriend and i, as part of our will-try-anything-at-least-once philosophy, decided to try almost every activity available there. i don't have the reef walking / helmet diving pictures yet, though. we did the atv 4-wheel, the harness zorb, island hopping & snorkeling while fish feeding, hair braids, henna tats, massage, night parties, experienced the sunsets, native food, and of course sunbathing. i would never have guessed that lying on the sand there under just the right amount of sun was ever so relaxing.
we passed on the banana boat and fly fish thing as we deemed it boring. apparently, they're not allowed to deliberately make you fall off the boat anymore.. took the challenge and fun right out. T_Ti had the chance to meet more of tan's high school friends as well. i swear, my boyfriend's a celebrity. haha.
for my birthday treat, we ate at two seasons in station 1 a day before my actual birthday since we were scheduled to leave on my birthday morning. the nachos was exceptional. i crave for more.
feb 24 morning came and we were sorry we had to leave.. so regretful in fact that tan & i decided to extend our stay 2 more days! yey! so here's my birthday dinner spent with kuya vergel and tan's cousin, foyie, both of whom made my birthday extra special!
the meal consisted of fish, prawns, and crabs we bought at the local talipapa palengke, and cooked by kuya vergel. everything was sooo delicious, it was like eating at a hotel... guess what, i had birthday flowers, too!!
as if these were not enough, lookie what my boyfriend had waiting for me when we got home!!!
this was truly the best birthday of my life!!! i thank God for my family, for the friends and loved ones who greeted me on my special day, the new friends i've met, the old ones i got to spend my first 4 days in bora with, and of course my ever so perfect boyfriend!sigh, i'm gonna die happy. ^_^
the world was about to explode yesterday.. or if not, i was about to make it. everything and everyone had gone bonkers and seemed determined to piss me off.. then, this morning, i found this:
and just like that, everything's fine again.
found this on facebook somewhere... it was re-tweeted by someone.wait for the guy who’ll be your best friend, the person who’ll drop everything to be with you at any time of the day no matter what, the guy who makes you smile like no other guy can and when he looks at you.. you know he needs you, the guy who thinks you're beautiful even when your hair's a mess and you have no make-up on, the guy who will stay awake just to watch you sleep, the one who will call you just to hear your voice, but most of all wait for the guy who’ll put you at the center of his universe, coz obviously he’ll be at the center of yours.
edited it a bit just to fix the grammar and text lingo. original can be found here
wednesday, skippy asked if we were up for a bubba gump night out. nas & i were game, and so we had it scheduled the next night. thursday night, after the guys' practice for their dance number on sir nic's wedding, skippy invited gp to come with us. we started to head out to greenbelt 3. before leaving, we asked sir rp to join us since he's another food tasting fanatic like us. he passed, but informed us that there's one in shang. relieved that we didn't have to venture too far, we left for shang instead. unfortunately, sir rp remembered it wrong and there was no bubba gump in shangrila mall. so, we had dinner at clawdaddy's instead.

since we were all starving and no one had a decent camera with them, we were not able to take pictures of the food. anyway, we ordered the seafood boil, carbonara, and some dirty rice. we had free salad and corn, and the meal was inclusive of a yellow watermelon dessert. my verdict? well, the food was good, the watermelon was sweet, but for around 550 php per head, we were kinda bitin on the portions. can't really blame 'em though. as we admittedly are "construction-worker-eaters".
the whole time, i was coughing my heart out and can't take my mind off the neck pain. i don't think the lemonade helped much.
meet my new best friend. jeez. have a stiff neck for 2 days now. can't look left properly. darn it.
as if that's not enough.. i have this nagging cough that's been pestering me for almost a week already. hay.
have to get well before bora!!