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lookie what i got on kindle... ^_^
sunday is a day for catching up. catching up on my much needed sleep, catching up on doing laundry, catching up on blogging updates. catching up on some social networking for updates on friends, events, and what nots.unfortunately, this supposedly peaceful moment is bound to be ruined somehow by some people who seem to be catching up with their pity wagons. i'm not sure if it's just me, but i'm not really a fan of pity. i'm particularly irked at those who do paawa especially on social networking sites. sure, i do get the venting rants; there's only so much frustration a person could take.. i even understand the whole "spreading the happiness" or "too good to keep to myself" thing, but for the death of me, i can't seem to understand the "i'm so kawawa, you'd have to pity me" posts. that someone would have to be pretty desperate and a hundred percent of a loser to actually solicit pity or try to get people on your side through facebook. i try so hard not to judge, but really, some people are just begging for it.dear facebook friend, i know we are not that close for me to even try and give you an advice you'd probably be too stubborn or ksp to listen, but here goes.. yes, i do realize that you are starved of attention, and yes, you're probably used to having your way or getting what you want, or so i've heard, but then again, whatever you got is what you deserved. in the first place, you knew the person was attached, yet you stupidly cling on, what, wishing everything would be given up for you, an attention hungry, thisshort of a home-wrecker? apart from this weird craving for people's sympathy, and of being noticed and/or being the center of attention, God is fair, so you probably have some good traits to balance that corrupted part of you. i suggest you stop the emo thing and move on. there is a difference between can't and won't. stop wallowing in people's pity, you'd most likely drown in it. and for goodness sakes, stop posting sh*t, or so help me, i will unfriend you.if you really do have to let it all out on cyberspace, please, please, create a blog. give us the option of whether or not to read it, and not force flood our facebook updates. come on.
tons of great movies this year, and i've only grazed the tip of the iceberg. this, by the way, led me to tag my posts from now on. for the sake of being organized. anyway, so far, i've watched the following, wherein i would attempt to summarize my "feelings" in one or two lines:
1. death race 2
a far cry from death race 1, but still good. our (the boyfriend and mine) theory is that this might've been originally death race 1, if not for the bit boring parts
2. the mechanic
i know i've watched this, but i can't seem to remember the story
3. i am number four
sucks. i fell asleep halfway through. stupid movie.
4. hall pass
eh.. so-so
5. adjustment bureau
action sci-fi turned chic flick. good start, bad ending
6. beastly
another teeny bopper movie. a thumb up (yes, just one) just coz it had a fairytale ending
7. red riding hood
surprisingly good, but not spectacular. kinda guessed who the wolf was.
8. limitless
another action sci-fi with a good start, but ended bad
9. insidious
surprisingly a good thriller even though the story's not that good. this one gave me todo goosebumps!!
10. source code
i didn't like this only because it was tiring to watch. sci-fi turned chic flick
11. rio
ok for a kiddie movie
12. fast and furious 5
although this one was good, it wasn't great, and it didn't deserve the hype it got.
13. thor
another movie ruined coz it was turned into a chic flic
come on, not every movie has to have a chic and/or a love story.
14. pirates of the caribbean 4
anything with johnny depp is gold! the first three movies were better since they had tons of incredible fight scenes. this one takes the cake on the effects.
15. kungfu panda 2
awesome!! haha. jack black movies are easy to like as long as i don't get to see his face and/or any part of him for that matter
16. this brings us now to my latest weekend movie:

got to watch transformers last friday. while i am not a fanatic like some people i know, i enjoyed it. as expected, the storyline was not that deep, which for a change, was ok for me. you could say that i didn't want the hassle of trying to guess hidden agendas nor the stress of analyzing what just happened or why while watching awesome cars go eh-eh-err-gshh-gzz-zzz into kick-ass robots.onto mirage. meet mirage, the red ferrari 458 italia, which caught my eye. su-weeeeeet!!
been meaning to watch monte carlo just coz i still like teeny bopper movies. looking forward to captain america, green lantern, x-men, harry potter, breaking dawn, saw 8, puss in boots, sherlock holmes 2, bourne 4, and so much more!
so i had my site renovated. not sure if i got tired of the old layout or i just wanted a new look. might be both. anyway, for some reason, i couldn't seem to be able to post a new entry yesterday at the office, so this one's my new post since the redecor.sadly, i lost blog links.. will try and look for them later. also plan on tweaking the template a bit to add buttons for easy access like i had with the old one. too bad i have no knowledge of css or whatnots, but like before, i'd probably manage. :)
also, the post a comment link doesn't seem to be working. >.< hafta do troubleshooting.
cheers to a new look!
(edit: have added a few blog links back. [p, i can't remember your link. you don't update much kasi eh. text me] also fixed the comment button, it works now)