1. death race 2
a far cry from death race 1, but still good. our (the boyfriend and mine) theory is that this might've been originally death race 1, if not for the bit boring parts
2. the mechanic
i know i've watched this, but i can't seem to remember the story
3. i am number four
sucks. i fell asleep halfway through. stupid movie.
4. hall pass
eh.. so-so
5. adjustment bureau
action sci-fi turned chic flick. good start, bad ending
6. beastly
another teeny bopper movie. a thumb up (yes, just one) just coz it had a fairytale ending
7. red riding hood
surprisingly good, but not spectacular. kinda guessed who the wolf was.
8. limitless
another action sci-fi with a good start, but ended bad
9. insidious
surprisingly a good thriller even though the story's not that good. this one gave me todo goosebumps!!
10. source code
i didn't like this only because it was tiring to watch. sci-fi turned chic flick
11. rio
ok for a kiddie movie
12. fast and furious 5
although this one was good, it wasn't great, and it didn't deserve the hype it got.
13. thor
another movie ruined coz it was turned into a chic flic
come on, not every movie has to have a chic and/or a love story.
14. pirates of the caribbean 4
anything with johnny depp is gold! the first three movies were better since they had tons of incredible fight scenes. this one takes the cake on the effects.
15. kungfu panda 2
awesome!! haha. jack black movies are easy to like as long as i don't get to see his face and/or any part of him for that matter
16. this brings us now to my latest weekend movie:

got to watch transformers last friday. while i am not a fanatic like some people i know, i enjoyed it. as expected, the storyline was not that deep, which for a change, was ok for me. you could say that i didn't want the hassle of trying to guess hidden agendas nor the stress of analyzing what just happened or why while watching awesome cars go eh-eh-err-gshh-gzz-zzz into kick-ass robots.
onto mirage. meet mirage, the red ferrari 458 italia, which caught my eye. su-weeeeeet!!

been meaning to watch monte carlo just coz i still like teeny bopper movies. looking forward to captain america, green lantern, x-men, harry potter, breaking dawn, saw 8, puss in boots, sherlock holmes 2, bourne 4, and so much more!
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