as previously shared, i had my first pair of contact lenses last sunday. without the basic tutorial session that should've been given by the optical shop, i struggled to put the contacts in without poking my eye out and losing or damaging the lenses.
first time
i got it in in 30 minutes. too darn long, but still good since i'm a newbie.
second time
spent 15 minutes to no avail. gave up coz i was late for work.
third time (this was today)
after more than 30 minutes, i had the right one in, and was ready to throw out the left one. wanted to just rip it all to pieces out of frustration, and have thought, but not said a number of profanities in my head.
fourth time (still today)
got both lenses in in 5 minutes.
so, ok. here's what i was doing wrong.. i used my right forefinger and thumb to fish out the lens from its case, in the process wetting my poking finger. i washed the lens on my left palm making both hands wet with solution. this caused the contacts to stick, slide, and whatever it is called when it folds into itself and refuses to form the bowl shape i want.
luckily, my youngest brother woke up and taught me the right way to not get my poking finger wet. this time i got it in quick. maybe i should do a youtube video on how to do that, just the making it go bowl shaped part, not the putting it in part.
here's the short version: (note: this is for a rightie like me)
place the lens on your left palm, spray with solution. use your right pinky to rub and clean it, and your right middle finger and thumb to pick it up. transfer it to your left hand by picking it up by the edge with your left forefinger and thumb. put it in a bowl fashion over your dry right forefinger and poke it into your eye. done.
hopefully, my future attempts would be as easy as my fourth try.
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