(darn "o" key is somewhat stuck >.<)
first off, i want to thank God for a wonderful 2011. for all the blessings He has given me, for all the lessons learned, for the new friends, new experiences, for everything.
next, i just want to share that i have "applied" for a singles d-group and i'm happy to report that things are going well. a bit embarrassing on my first day with them, but so blessed God gave me sisters who do not judge. i have had a minor breakdown recently and they were there for me. now, i miss them when i don't get to attend d-group on sundays.
i started running again. just once a week while i'm still a wimp. will try and increase frequency and intensity in a month or so.
look what i got.. belated christmas gifts from my ever loving bf:

sugar daddy much? hehe, i love you, tan!
last but not least, sold pipay already T_T to buy a new phone. meet mika:

i know i'm more than a little late, but still, happy happy 2012 everyone!!!
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