A significant amount of brain cells just died about fifteen
minutes ago, and I have officially stopped working. Thus, now blogging about a
clutter of thoughts floating like amoeba in my gooey grey matter.
After almost six years, I am quite sure that I love my job –
handling provisioning databases and platforms as well as signalling transfer
points and international gateway facilities. What shatters my otherwise happy
contentment is the wrinkle-inducing 9.6 hours a day work schedule, the way below liveable salary and the
nearly non-existent benefits.
It baffles me how a guy can stomach considering (how much
more actually making plans of) having his wife pay for his tuition to study
graphics design, at the same time have her provide for their family as well. Pathetic
excuse for a man. I honestly don’t know why I even tried to help.
Thirtieth birthdays and engagements. A single lady friend is
turning thirty this month. Colleagues who to me are chikitings, are getting
engaged. I am pressured, and yet I am not ready. Crap… I just had a momentary
light bulb moment. This is probably why God hasn’t granted my prayers of
settling down. He knew that at some point in my life I’d be having these mid…
um, quarter… ahh, third life crisis (does that even make sense?).
Me likey Lenovo android setup. Borne of a boring Sunday afternoon,
I downloaded a simple white theme for my android service unit. I know I don’t
use it anyway, but hey, me still likey.
I really really really like puppies.
I really really really need to get back to work.
I want to go out and try stuff, experience things. I want to
run, jog, bike, swim, and roll on grass… ok, maybe not that last one. I want to
snorkel, parasail, and feel the wind in my hair. I want to roller skate, ice skate,
surf, and wakeboard. I want to go on a food trip, on a picnic, on a weekend
getaway, on a hike. I want to watch movies, fireflies, plays, fireworks. I want
to ride planes, hot-air balloons, yachts, sailboats. And right now, I can’t.
I found out yesterday that they feed dog food to fighting
cocks. Also, they give them yoghurt, because they can’t have milk. Apparently,
they’re lactose intolerant.
There’s an itch on my big toe that’s been bothering me for
three days now.
Crap. Waiting for end of business day.
Where to eat in San Sebastian in 2025 | Best Food I’ve ever tasted!
Welcome to Donostia San Sebastian, Spain! Hubs and I were here a few years
ago, right after we got married and we absolutely fell in love with the
16 hours ago
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