Simple Joy #10: Laughing at Mistakes
Whatever you do, do not hand me a tube of super glue that sticks like crazy in less than 5 seconds. I've lost count on the accidents that I've had with them. Apparently, when it comes to sticking things, I lose all logic and common sense.
Anyway, since it feels real good to laugh, I'm telling you about two of them here.
Once upon a time, Marc & I were out having dinner with friends. Halfway through the dinner, my shoes felt heavy like something was dragging it down. I was sitting at this point, so the damage was not that apparent. After a few minutes, I had to get up and go to the bathroom, and that's when I noticed the soles were flapping around like crazy. Yes, soles! Both feet! Somehow, both of them have been dislodged up to half the length of each shoe. I then practiced dragging my feet to see if they were still walkable. They were, but there were no guarantees on how long they'd stay half-functioning, or on how they'd perform when I came face to face with stairs or sidewalks. Since everyone agreed to get coffee after dinner, Marc & I decided to either buy cheap slippers or get a tube of Mighty Bond. The slippers weren't easy to find, so 10 minutes later, we found ourselves fumbling with a shoe each, struggling in the dimness of the pickup's light, in an attempt to fix the darned things. Marc's came out ok. Mine on the other hand was another story. After less than 5 minutes, I held up my shoe smiling, proud of myself for fixing it, unaware of the quick drying glue dripping on my left arm. I had two, 3-inch long drips, before I realized I was making a mess. In an effort to fix the new accident I've created, I got glue on my fingers, and on Marc. I even got some on his watch! Go figure how that happened. At this point, I'm just really really blessed, God gave me someone who laughed with me through all this and he did not even get mad that I ruined his watch. I spent the rest of the night making kutkot on my arms and fingers while having coffee... Marc smiling at me knowingly.
Next story. Today, my 100-peso sandals started to fall apart. It wasn't as crazy as what happened to my heels, but it was also a sole problem. This time, it was on the right one only and it started to flap from the back. I got a tube of Bulldog Superglue that says it's specifically for shoes. I immediately got to work, forgetting my previous mishaps. As usual, I over squeezed and put in a lot more glue than I should've. The sandal started to drip on my office table. In an effort to minimize damage, I put the sandal down on the floor, onto some tissues. I wore the sandal and stepped on it so the soles stick together properly. After 30 seconds, the footwear was now stuck on the floor. I did not realize the glue had seeped through the tissue and stuck everything to the floor. I had to pry them off, trying real hard not to laugh at my stupidity. I then looked up from the tiles and what do I see next? My phone... on the table... where the previous drips were! True enough, my phone was another thing I had to pry off another surface.
I had nothing else left to do but laugh at my mistakes... and it felt really good to laugh. Praise God for these simple joys!
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