May 4, 2014


I'd like to promote the blogs of a couple of wonderful ladies, who write about their walk with Christ in their marriage, in being super moms, and in being a woman of the Lord. 

Joy Tan-chi, author of
She's the daughter of our Pastor in CCF. She has been through a lot, and have inspired a lot. A mother of 5, a supportive wife to her husband, and an overall inspiring woman. You may browse through her blog for more information, or find videos through youtube. I don't know her personally apart from these, so I hope she doesn't mind me sharing this with you. If it will be for God's glory, why not, right?

Liana Perete author of
We met through her husband, who is a colleague of mine. Her thirst for Christ is amazing, and her lamp is burning ever so brightly, lighting up not only the nooks and crannies of her home, but spilling over everyone around her as well.

The links are listed on my blog roll (Blog Hopping portion) as well. Happy reading!