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the best month ever... yeah!ok, so i didn't die on my 10km suicidal run on century tuna's superbods run 2010. see results:
this is good. considering it's my first time to run 10km. the sense of accomplishment is overwhelming; even more than the time i finished my first 5km run last see how haggard i was running long distance, click here.then on the 24th, i celebrated my birthday. a big thank you to the people who greeted me. ^_^ special thanks to tan, who made it the best birthday ever. (i'm not posting a link for pictures for personal reasons, just look for them on my multiply. some pics not posted tho.) too bad i forgot to bring my cam for last night's habi dinner.
looking forward to march. yey!
yet another first for me, yey! ^_^ ran 10km without stopping, resting, and/or walking. most i did before this was 7km. wasn't able to note my official time though. will have to wait for the official release on tuesday probably. no impulse buy and major purchases this time, though. can't really tell if it's a good thing. hahaha. too bad i was not able to take a pic with feli and jek. aw. kinda hard to look for people. also left my phone in arjay's fx. had pics in ton's phone... anxious for the uploads. oh yeah, and i'm back to eating anything i want tomorrow. lolz. remember hypocrite post here? hay. so hard. scared to weigh myself. wimp. hahaha. actually avoided eating out-of-the-ordinary-menu stuff this past week in prep for the superbods run. didn't want a ruined tummy on run day. to my relief, everything was a-ok today.
anyway, i'm loving this. so proud of myself! hearing him say he's proud of me too makes me feel even greater. now, how do i deal with the muscle pain tomorrow? ;)
yes, i appreciated the shout out. it was sweet. it was nice. it could've been sweeter and nicer if you'd have spelled my name right. ^_^
here's the corrected version:
sweet ^_^oh, and got this sweeter surprise when i logged on to ym:

i hate having to wait for something so long only to find out i would have to wait a whole week longer. darn it!here's the story: i applied for a line from sun cellular. it's for my brother. anyway, me, being one of their employees, i thought it would hasten up the whole process somewhat. i can't tell you enough how wrong i was. the approval took more than a week, and when someone from the branch texted me that the application had been approved, i replied to ask about the requirements/documentation needed should i want someone else to claim for me. guess what? they didn't even have the decency to reply. i shudder to think about the reactions of those non-employee slash regular customers who apply and receive the same treatment. well, i went there this afternoon to claim the handset and sim. i waited with a number for over 40 minutes, and when my number finally got called... to my dismay and increasing irritation, the handset was not available.hello people!? right there on the application form, there's a tick box. i ticked the phone i wanted, well, my brother wanted. how hard is it to check the application and reserve a phone? why do you even bother to text the customer when you don't even plan on accommodating to their needs? for crying out loud, you're front liners! it's a simple no-brainer job, all you have to do is be nice and have common sense... ok, maybe i'm a little harsh here... scratch out the no-brainer comment. hayz.
first thing! a little less than a week before my shopping ban-end, i failed. splurged on 6 shirts... 6 cute cute cute shirts. ^_^ my yatot gave the me disapproving look for a bit, but it's ok. was on passive mode for a month, anyway.pampered myself and had a pedi yesterday coz my feet look so old already. note to self: spend less time on heels. had my callouses scrubbed and now them feet look good as new, but i would probably have to revisit after 2 weeks, just to on the agenda, diet. not to lose weight, but to live healthy. been on instant-diet for the past month already. canned goods, fast food, instant noodles, coffee, junk food, soft drinks, you name it. now, here's the proposal. i sift through my cookbooks (which are actually compilations of internet "researched" recipes and various yummy magazines) and somehow hopefully manage to put together a passably healthy menu that's easy to make and doesn't consume too much time, then shop for it and implement on a daily basis. next, make a timetable that we could stick to, which entails an early to bed, early to rise policy. hmm, what else? i should probably stay away from the stress. the question is how? to be continued...
i just got back from a trip to trinoma, which just inherited a whole new rant. i just lost my momentum on this one. see next blog instead.
i am so pining for that red wallet at girbaud. hay, luho. it's a want, and far from being a necessity, but it's so so so so so nice. as pointed out by tan, i usually just point a finger at stuff and declare, "oooh, i like that.", but that wallet, i really really wanted it. hahahha. fact remains that i don't need it yet. sigh.
funny thing --was able to read tan's mind and blurted out: "no, you're not getting me that wallet for my birthday!" hahahaha. actually, i think there was an "or else..." statement attached to the end of that. kainis daw ako coz he was supposed to go back for it after he takes me home. haha.
wanted to avoid thinking about it, which is precisely why i didn't snap a shot of it, but apparently it's still on my mind. ^_^ do i buy it for myself on my birthday?
recall: wishlist
did a bit of spring cleaning. can't believe i've accumulated so much junk already. i share a room with my two younger brothers and we have shelves to put our stuff on. guess which one's my space...
hahaha. now, where could i put in my yummy magazines? due to public demand and the lack of space, i've decided to give away some of my books. hopefully, others would get to enjoy them as much as i did.
anxious for valentine’s day? yeah, a bit. can you tell? don’t really want to expect anything, pero can you blame me? hehe, haven’t felt like this in a long while… happy and contented. i’m loving this simple life. just hating the tags, labels, stereotyping, and general judging of people. i so feel like a bug under a microscope. why does society have that urge, that itch to dictate how people should or shouldn’t behave?
currently in limbo, a different kind of limbo than before, but I don’t mind. we don’t have the labels –boyfriend and girlfriend, or currently dating, or mutual agreement, or what not. it’s just that we don’t feel the need to categorize, yet. the fact is, we’re happy with each other. the commitment is present, the contentment is there. what more do we need? i doubt society’s approval would make us happier than how we already are. sure, it’ll make things so much easier, but hey, who says we really care what they think? after all, we’ve established long ago that what we think of each other matters most, and that’s about it. was actually talking to Karz about this, this morning. she totally agrees with me.
so bakit nga ba hindi pa kami? i mean, we already act like it. because… 1. i want the friendship there. forever. 2. we’re not really in a hurry, anyway. as long as we know where we stand, we’re ok. 3. our families don’t have any idea yet of how serious this is, and somehow, I’d like to give them a head’s up before coming home and blurting out “hey, guess what? kami na.” the best thing about this? we share almost everything, down to religion. didn’t seem like it before, but it’s a big thing for me. nakakapanibago, pero it feels incredibly nice and different... good different every saturday when we have our short devotions. it's a good peaceful feeling. ^_^
2010 is a good year. definitely a good year.
i'm back to not-really-graveyard. sigh. this is seriously messing up my body clock. again. darn. night activities without having him to come home to sucks. long story. anyway, last night was a complete waste dare i say it. it was pretty stupid. no one knew what the expected results were, not even the vendor support. wasted so much time checking and trying to solve a problem which wasn't one in the first place. idiots. hay. shopping therapy, i so long for you. sigh. whoever came up with this shopping ban hates me. seriously hates me. T_T (...refusing to remember that the shopping ban was self imposed thus pain is self inflicted. mahusay.)impending doom on the 21st of this month. i'm running 10k for century tuna's superbods thing. for the record, i haven't done this before. farthest i have completed without walking was a little over 5, but hey, here's a nice suicidal challenge. hahahaha.Oh, i should mention i completed 5k at the ultra prior to attending last night's activity. hahaha, was pretty tired and out of it, but it felt good, and it being my "first day", it's a good achievement. ^_^ binawi nga lang lahat ng inexercise when we ate bbq after. by the way, on the way home from work this morning, heard fm statis's tonight again on the radio. it's growing on me. loving the song though it's a bit on the sad side. i just keep remembering his voice and they way he sang it. it's soothing and knee-weakening.
listening to fm static's tonight. sigh. remembering the times he played his guitar and sang to me. the first time was over the phone. kilig moments. hahaha. this is what i do almost every time i miss him: listen to songs he sang for me.
soundtrack includes the following:tonightknocks me off my feet214you're a godbroken stringsshots (this one just reminds me of him coz he likes this one a lot)
he's got the most incredible voice ever. :) kailan kaya mauulit?no definite plans for valentine's day yet. all i know is that we're going to church together. i'm not sure if there's anything else. :) not complaining though. been happy since november when i "met" him, and everything just keeps getting better! doesn't really have to have occasions.
last friday, we had what could be our biggest tampuhan ever. it wasn't really a fight coz we weren't really mad at each other; we just had issues. first off, i'm thankful it happened on a friday. being the crybaby that i am, i cried a third of the night. didn't want to face him with tears, so he found out too late. also, as luck would have it, my nose suddenly bled and my stomach started to ache major pain. needless to say, we worked things out eventually. ^_^ well, the good part, it wasn't really us. i just remember praying so hard for God to fix what i messed up. spent saturday making up for the time we wasted being sulky with each other. the feeling of clarity that everything is going to be ok, that he will love me no matter what, that we learned something new about and from each other, that we are actually growing together with God's guidance... it's peacefully satisfying.this is from the devotion we took the time to have yesterday: perhaps your world has crashed around you. it may be a deeply personal loss, a tragedy in your family, or some other great trial. Jesus' resurrection proved that He is greater than the greatest obstacles. He can rebuild your life --as He did with His disciples --starting today.our saturdays are wonderful. i look forward to each one. for a change from the weekdays, we have short devotions for our spiritual needs. it's wonderful being able to do this, share this with him --that he's not only a christian by name (literally and figuratively). we take turns reading to each other, which is both sweet and effective. haha. then we's a fairy tale in the making. no need for happy endings, just sweet sweet beginnings and happily ever afters.