yet another first for me, yey! ^_^ ran 10km without stopping, resting, and/or walking. most i did before this was 7km. wasn't able to note my official time though. will have to wait for the official release on tuesday probably. no impulse buy and major purchases this time, though. can't really tell if it's a good thing. hahaha.
too bad i was not able to take a pic with feli and jek. aw. kinda hard to look for people. also left my phone in arjay's fx. had pics in ton's phone... anxious for the uploads.
oh yeah, and i'm back to eating anything i want tomorrow. lolz. remember hypocrite post here? hay. so hard. scared to weigh myself. wimp. hahaha. actually avoided eating out-of-the-ordinary-menu stuff this past week in prep for the superbods run. didn't want a ruined tummy on run day. to my relief, everything was a-ok today.
anyway, i'm loving this. so proud of myself! hearing him say he's proud of me too makes me feel even greater. now, how do i deal with the muscle pain tomorrow? ;)
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