April 15, 2012

Happy Cotton

for the joy, the laughter, the pain, the struggles, for taking care of me, for being ever so thoughtful, for everything.. especially for the love --i thank you and i thank God.

maybe im not as tomboy as i think. thank you, luv for the pink water bottle (apparently not for hot liquids; starbucks is weird) and the kilig moments. I love you.

April 1, 2012

Another Goodbye?

i hate saying goodbyes. whoever said that it's "not goodbye, but only a 'see you later'" clearly don't know what he's talking about. goodbyes suck. sure, you can make arrangements and see people, but it. is. not. the. same.

gonna miss u skippy.. thank you for this..

Curse of the Other Gender

poor fifi, she's having her period, and i think she's having dysmenorrhea, too.