November 26, 2012

I'm Back

Back from a long very long break, I have started running again. It's a hobby I have missed so much.

Here's why I love running:
1. It functions as my outlet. It calms me and helps me blank out. It's the only time I can stop thinking.
2. I don't have to remember a lot of things... "just keep going until you reach the finish line" and "push for a better time". That's it.
3. I don't need tons of gears and/or equipment.

So far, I have been running at least twice a week round the Scout Area and within the confines of Meralco Compound. Roughly 5k.

Due to the lack of better timing equipment, I will be estimating time by the old school watch.
Will update soon.

Christmas Comes but Once a Year

I don't know what it is, but there's something about doing wishlists...

Here's mine for 2012:
1. I currently have an awesome Fossil watch already, but since I've recently revived my running, I would like a sporty one with a timer. G-Shock GR-8900-7DR or G-8900A-7D:
They'd probably be too big for my flimsy wrist, but hey, me want!
2. Now that I have more time for myself, I have been reading tons of books lately. I want the old Kindle. I don't really know if this is still available, or which version this one actually is, but here's a pic:
3. I want to go hiking. I've been wanting to since last year. Maybe it's time. 

 4. I want a vacation, peferably by a beach. A quiet place to relax and stop worrying about everything.
5. Additional 3 more checks on the list. (items 3 & 4 also here)