September 12, 2010


as repeatedly confessed, it has been a while since i've done anything besides work. so for the longest time, i haven't had the chance to do any surfing... both channel and net. thank God for the final straw (davao trip), i'm learning to say no and deviate from the company's (or probably just my boss') overworked-underpaid-theme, which is so close to slavery.

i've come upon the following items browsing through and as usual, the geek in me delighted in the following:
item1: these are actually application magnets. picture them on your office wall/whiteboard or on your home ref. adorable ^_^

item 2: glowing keyboard stickers. it's the cutest thing!! i wonder if they have this in neon orange...

item 3: last but not least, the ex knife holder. hahaha, i swear that's what it's called. i have nothing against my exes, pero bumenta talaga sakin ito! haha.

that's it for now.
here's to having (and enjoying) a life outside work. cheers!