July 2, 2011


so i had my site renovated. not sure if i got tired of the old layout or i just wanted a new look. might be both. anyway, for some reason, i couldn't seem to be able to post a new entry yesterday at the office, so this one's my new post since the redecor.

sadly, i lost blog links.. will try and look for them later. also plan on tweaking the template a bit to add buttons for easy access like i had with the old one. too bad i have no knowledge of css or whatnots, but like before, i'd probably manage. :)

also, the post a comment link doesn't seem to be working. >.< hafta do troubleshooting.

cheers to a new look!

(edit: have added a few blog links back. [p, i can't remember your link. you don't update much kasi eh. text me] also fixed the comment button, it works now)