June 18, 2012

Simple Joys #5 and #6 with Shrimps

i simply feel the need to get pampered today.

after a week of downtime due to the not-so-sure-but-looks-like-it mumps, i thought i was ready to get back to work and slave my ass off again. apparently not. a week of work sent me right back down haggard lane. i sat at my cozy office nook this morning and thought that it has been a while since i had my last pedicure. come lunch break, off i went to have my usual at california nails and day spa. turns out, i've been missing my used-to-be-monthly pedi for more than "a while". california nails and day spa has been boarded up closed. i ended up trying luxe nail lounge still at robinson's galleria. simple joy #5: pedicure.

due to the unexpected turn of events, i was not able to take pictures of the said lounge. as always, the first thing i noticed was the smell. the place smelled nice --a soft scent like fabric conditioner or light baby lotion. the ambiance was relaxing. not homey. not clinical. during the whole process, i kept thinking why haven't i tried their services before. the comparison with california nails inevitably went on and on in my head. while i had little to no complaints with the service i used to get, this was hands down better than what i was used to. i still got the perfect cleaning, but this time without the wince worthy digging on the sides of the nails. the polish was evenly applied and they had the quick dry thingy as well. at 220php plus tips, i am very satisfied.

moving on, my hair has been frizzy due to the stress, so i purchased what i hereby present as simple joy #6: dove's nourishing oil care serum. it actually smells like a lightly scented dove soap so i had no qualms about applying it to my hair. what i especially like about the product is that 1. it doesn't weigh my hair down llike other oil based leave ons and 2. a pump or two is enough even for my long hair.

we'll see if i get to use it all up in the days to come.

next topic: i've been craving shrimp for over three weeks now. here's what i got for lunch last friday...

despite being categorized as "rabbit food" in my mind, this was surprisingly filling and really yummy. now, if only i could get my hands on more shrimps...