June 7, 2012

Out of Boredom

i've been stuck at home for the past four days now, and life is getting to be more boring than it already is. i've been diagnosed with... well, i really do not know what i've been diagnosed with. monday morning, i woke up looking like the 9gag kid.

figured i couldn't have gained 10lbs overnight, so i started panicking. that's just me, other people would've considered the obvious alternatives, like say, mumps... anyway, my dad took me to the nearest hospital to go see the ENT doctor. since i had the mumps vaccine when i was a kid, the doctor declared it to be an escalation of my chicken allergies. (hands up: hey, i swear spicy chicken at ersao was that good! i had two orders sunday night) that, and too much spicy things. also, she mentioned that i shouldn't have too much sour food either. this time, i did not mention my recent addiction with tropicana's apple lemon juice. i've been downing a bottle a day. the one liter kind, mind you. she then gave me antibiotics, and antihistamine, and sent me on my way.
tuesday morning, my face felt a little heavy so i went and looked into the nearest mirror. big mistake. lo and behold, i looked like a puffer fish minus the thorn-like thingies. it's as though i gained another 10lbs! 

so i did the first thing i was good at. i panicked again. (grin) went back to the hospital to have it checked again. this time, the doctor told me that it's probably mumps, but she'll have my blood drawn and tested just to be sure. so they got my blood, and gave me additional meds for the pain. they told me they'd call me back within the day for my cbc results.

that afternoon, her secretary called to provide me with yet other medication. a stronger dose, i think. this time it had steroids. i felt like a junkie. still, the response i got was that it looked like mumps. was beginning to think "is there ever any assurance in this world?" dramatic, i know.

wednesday, they called to ask how i was. the pain had gone, but the puffer fish face was still there. ever so puffy. that afternoon though it kinda went down a little.

it's thursday, and i'm trying to be more patient about this and going through a hard time accepting the fact that i would probably be unable to go to the office outing this weekend. sadness. also, i'm having a hard time finding things to do. i cannot drop by the grocery, i can't visit the bookstore, i can't lift heavy stuff (apparently, it worsens things), i can't eat my favorite junk... tv's not really my thing, although i've been downloading like crazy.

i'm currently hoping i'd still have my sanity by the time this ends. oh, and hope nobody catches this, that is, if what i have is really mumps.