May 14, 2013

Recent Splurges

Not much has happened since my last post. Hence the lack of updates. A few shopping sprees and binge eating, but that's it so far.

I've actually been waiting a couple of months already for the right time to get these:

They set me back more than my usual shoe shopping splurges, but they're ridiculously comfortable and I really need to invest on flats... so justifies the purchase.

Also, I have officially run out of my usual Burberry Brit Sheer perfume. While I am absolutely head over heels with the scent I've been donning for so long, at 5,000 a bottle, I need a change, albeit temporarily.

I have loved the light fragrance Elizabeth Arden's Green Tea carries since forever. My first whiff was when a bottle was given to my mom as a birthday or Christmas gift, not sure which. It was a long time ago. As perfumes come and go, I did not expect this to survive and persist, but hey, lookie what I got more than 5 years since:

It's a set I normally wouldn't go for, but the store had a sale and there was little cost difference from a single bottle to a set, ergo... *wink*

I'd like to think of myself as a responsible shopper, never buying stuff I can't afford. This being the case, I'm not quite broke, but I do admit to looking forward to the next payday. Haha.
