April 10, 2013


Who doesn't recognize these? When I was a giddy little high school girl, this was the most popular Christmas gift ever. I don't know why, nor can I answer why not, but here you go...

Feel it with me... Nostalgia.

Times have changed, but sometime ago, I can't remember whether it was for a birthday or Christmas gift, I got this from Ms. Connie:

If it were a car, I'd say it has accumulated significant mileage already. Sadly, it doesn't look like that anymore and out of embarrassment, I won't be posting the current condition my pen. Let's just say it served me well, and made me want another one. So here's my new pen.

But what's a Parker pen without the usual engraved name of the owner, right?

The OC in me is not satisfied with the font, the girl in me, however, is ecstatic!

...And no, I did not use my new credit card for this.