April 3, 2013

Oh, April

I want need a dose of happy. I'm not sure why I'm plateau-ing on a blah phase. Maybe it's because of the depressing Sagada trip I just had, or maybe I'm craving for that Summertime high normal people get at this time of the year. As I do not yet have that beach bod to be proud of, I'm trying to lessen the food binge. At the same time, I'm trying to look for stuff to keep me active, entertained, and/or at least to keep me from thinking about work. April doesn't seem to be a good month for me so far.

Browsing through facebook posts, I've been encountering a lot of complaints on the hot weather. Everything's so dry and dull. The weather, nature, my hair, my skin. It's probably why I've been pining for a summer outing... to cool off. Since it's not an option yet, my short term fallback plans are as follows:
1. To get my hair treated and hopefully lessen the dryness, static, and frizz.
2. To get my long overdued facial.
3. To find an effective facial moisturizer. 

Side story: I am not a big fan of cosmetics and the like, and have zero knowledge when it comes to makeup. I do know, however, that when my skin feels tight and stiff, I need to soften it back up by applying moisturizer and intaking lots of fluids. I have tried Olay's Facial Moisturizer and it has worked fairly well with my skin, but there was a time when it went out of stock at the nearest supermarket and I had tried Celeteque's Facial Moisturizer. That one left me with a sticky feeling afterwards, so upon deciding to try another different product, I recently purchased L'Oreal Hydrafresh Anti-Shine Icy Gel.

Now, I do not have oily skin; I think I'm bordering on normal and dry. I bought this in hopes of hydrating my currently peeling face. I am not sure yet why or when the peeling started as I haven't been exfoliating or experimenting with other products, but I found this one helps with the dryness. After applying a minimal amount, my face feels cooled and matted. It gives me that soft, smooth face that feels like a baby's bottom. Olay doesn't have the matte effect. Unfortunately, L'Oreal doesn't last as long as I hope, but it's good for an hour or two, sometimes three. At almost 400php a bottle, it may be too pricey for long term use. I'm still in limbo deciding between L'Oreal and Olay. I'll make up my mind after I empty the tub.